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Calling All Patriots!
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Welcome to our organization’s homepage. We are the Republicans of Elk Grove Township (ROEGT) and we are truly grassroots – the people who make up the local GOP (Republican) Party. We are glad you are here and hope to see more of you at ROEGT events and general member meetings. We are a community of civic-minded volunteers who seek to keep our representative form of government alive and well, whether it is by being an election judge, poll technician, poll watcher, precinct captain, or a voter educator. Each one of these important roles is integral in accomplishing ROEGT’s mission of supporting and electing candidates to office who believe in limited government, individual liberty and fiscal responsibility – the same ideals our great Republic was founded upon.


ROEGT maintains a “big tent” philosophy, whereby we recognize we do not have to agree on every policy or position, but rather, we embrace the basic tenets of a republic that were forged by our Founding Fathers. In Illinois, we face a major uphill battle both in Springfield and locally in Cook County. However, we believe by working together and building consensus, we can fight the “pay to play” politics and other corruption leading to the decline in our public schools, our businesses and our standard of living. We want to restore our state so that it is worthy of being called “the Land of (Honest Abe) Lincoln.”


If you would like more information on what you can do for our state, our county or our township, or to become locally involved as a ROEGT member, please submit a membership form. You can also extend our reach by adding a “Like” on our Facebook page and/or interacting here on our website. Again, we hope to see you soon at our next event or member meeting.

Elk Grove Township is made up of portions of Elk Grove Village, Village of Mount Prospect, Village of Arlington Heights, City of Rolling Meadows and City of Des Plaines. The Township is approximately the area South of Central Road, West of Mount Prospect Road, North of Devon Avenue, and East of Rohlwing Road /I-290/IL-53. Click here to view the map of Elk Grove Township.


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